We are so excited for you to meet Otis, he arrived today August 6th. When Moose and Mouse discovered Otis, he was so scared and disconnected from his family, he was at first a challenge to welcome into a new environment and learn to be a friend.. Being a very special bird, he didn’t immediately respond well to strangers.

Moose and Mouse discovered right away he needed their love and companionship to feel safe and as they understood him more they discovered he was perfect just the way he was and helped others understand that too.  They helped him believe in himself and you will be inspired through their love and community.

Laurie Ingersoll the creator of Otis, herself has a daughter who inspired this new character.  Otis will melt your heart and help young and old alike become more  Open minded, Tolerant, Inclusive and Socially Aware.

Welcome OTIS into your world and help us change the world.

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