Our Mission

To create a nationwide initiative by providing a social/emotional literacy curriculum that results in a better understanding and appreciation of those with special needs using the TEAM OTIS program of Open-mindedness, Tolerance, Inclusion and Social awareness.


To bring people together of all diverse abilities and special needs, celebrating our similarities rather than focusing on our differences and realizing that diversity is the source of our strength. By encouraging children to open their minds and hearts to the differences of others and recognizing that all human beings crave acknowledgement, acceptance and love, we make our world a better place.


Based on the children’s book “Welcome, Otis”, teachers, parents, counselors, librarians and Otis Ambassadors read the book to children and initiate the discussion about “what are differences? Special Needs? Empathy? Tolerance? Inclusion?”, and what can we do to address these issues?” Only through listening and learning, understanding and acceptance, can we move this initiative forward. The Team Otis curriculum provides a comprehensive set of downloadable activities, games, puzzles and books to support these concepts in a fun, engaging way.

Team Otis, Inc is a  501c3 non-profit organization incorporated in the State of Florida.

There is no question that emotional intelligence is a necessary quality for our future leaders and influential change-makers. We want to start the discussions and provide curriculum to help these young children learn the value of open-mindedness, tolerance, inclusion, and social awareness.

Under this 501c3 we have the following initiatives:

  • For Each Book Sold, we give one to an under served family, school or partner.
  • We Partner with Downs Syndrome and Autism organizations for education and training.
  • Each 1 Reach 1 program visits schools and hospitals to talk about Otis and his friends.
  • Otis Ambassadors use our guided curriculum in our Each 1 Teach 1 model.
  • Scholarships for special needs teachers and interns.

To become a strategic partner please contact us here:

Please DONATE to the Team Otis initiative to help us spread the word.

Otis Ambassadors

Otis Ambassadors are volunteers willing to read the book and bring the activities to classrooms, clubs, camps and wherever they are invited with the goal of spreading the initiative nationwide.
Be a change-maker, sign up to be an Otis Ambassador!